Our advocacy strategy

The advocacy information board at Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit Parish has developed the following strategy to guide our advocacy. As we develop more experience, or as the situation merits, we may modify these steps to be more effective.

•We educate ourselves on laws or policies that we see hurting our needy brothers and sisters. Does the issue align with advocacy goals of The Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Montana and is it within Holy Spirit’s vision and mission?

• We focus on 1-2 issues and hoped-for outcomes. The issue may require a legislative solution, but not necessarily. Other possible decision-makers may include the governor, the mayor, the county commissioners, government departments and agencies, or even a private company.

• We obtain vestry and rector approval to advocate for these changes.

• We build relationships with decision-makers and collaborate with other groups working toward the same goals. Presently, we are collaborating with MIC (Missoula Interfaith Collaborative) and MAC (Montana Association of Christians). 

• We communicate our concerns (that is, advocate for change) to:
  * Legislators who make decisions on this issue, through letters, phone calls, etc.
  * Legislators and the public through the news media (letters to the editor, op-eds, etc.)
  * Church members and other churches, through conversations, phone calls, emails, information board and our blog (defendtheneedy.blogspot.com)
  * Friends, neighbors and family.

• When possible, we visit with legislators and decision-makers, attend legislative committee hearings and submit testimony.

• We follow through with our objectives, yet remain flexible as situations or issues change or evolve, and revise our strategy as necessary.


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